GAME ITEMS   Number 1 - PLAYER'S LIFE BAR   When it turns black you are dead. Number 2 - PLAYER'S BLASTER POWER BAR   Shows power up level for your blaster. Number 3&4 - LIVES   3- Left gage shows count need for an extra life. 4- Right gage shows extra lives.   Picking up this icon repairs one point of damage and adds one point towards an extra life. You need twenty points to earn an extra life. Number 5 - TRACKING MISSILES   This shows how much tracking missile ammunition you have.   Picking up this icon increases your tracking missile ammunition by ten shots.   This is what a tracking missile looks like.   Picking up this icon gives you the ability to shoot tracking missiles that find their own targets. NOTE: They cannot lock onto some creatures and most bosses. Number 6 - BOUNCE LASERS   This shows how much bounce laser ammunition you have.   Picking up this icon increases your bounce laser ammunition by ten shots.   This is what a bounce laser looks like.   Picking up this icon gives you the ability to shoot lasers that bounce off of walls. Number 7 - FLAME THROWER   This shows how much flame thrower ammunition you have.   Picking up this icon increases your flame thrower ammunition by ten shots.     This is what a flame thrower shot looks like.   Picking up this icon gives you a flame thrower that causes more damage the larger the shot. Number 8 - PLASMA GUN   This shows how much plasma bolt ammunition you have.   Picking up this icon increases your plasma bolt ammunition by ten shots.   This is what a plasma bolt looks like.   Picking up this icon gives you the ability to shoot plasma bolts that pass through walls and cause multiple hits to most usually solid targets. Number 9 - REGULAR SHOT This gun is totally unlimited. Number 10 - THE PLAYER (YOU)   Can run, jump and shoot in eight directions. EXTRA STUFF - INVINCIBILITY   Picking up this icon gives you temporary invicibility. - TRANSPORTERS   Transporters take you between game levels. When touching one, push up to activate.